Peak and Valley Holdings

Investments Multimedia Real Estate

Invest In Your Future

Eight Stages of Life   pt. 2                                   

When you take on the responsibility for yourself and your heart, you enter the age of the young adult. Ensuring your own survival and well being becomes the major focus of your life, as you enter the work force and open up to love playing mischief with your life. Read More

Eight Stages of Life   pt. 3

A mature adult knows right from wrong ... and works to correct the errors of man and direct the path of his or her society into safe harbors that promote prosperity, honor, life, Liberty and justice for all.

Life is more than just amusements ... and when you reach the maturity to realize that, you begin to live a different life. One filled with more than blind ambition, for you are open the eyes to see The World around you .. not just as it is .. but as it could be. Read More

Eight Stages of Life   pt. 4                                             

Sans Teeth, If you have missed the boat ...

In the last Life Age, you face the end of your life journey ... and the special challenges and critical tasks of the Eight/Zero.

The rhythm of life feels like it stops, and time becomes a thing of the past, present and future. Read More

Civil Procedure                                

ICivil Procedure is about:

    -Truth & Justice! Rule 1 of the Federal Rules

    -Learning how court systems work

    -Structure of court system

    -How to navigate through the courts using... Strategy, Greed, Venality, Oppression Read More

Birthday in a Box

Eight Stages of Life   pt. 1                                  

In Life Age One, your life begins. Much of it, around the first two years, involves learning how to get your needs met and your desires listened to. Life revolves around your caregivers and family members.

As your mind awakens, the world reveals itself as a magical place to be explored, tasted, smelled and touched. Sounds and shapes capture your attention and you learn the touch, smell, sound, sight and taste of our closest companions and caregivers. Read More